Administrative Law - An Overview
Administrative law is a part of public law and includes the administrative procedures, rules and regulations that government bodies must follow. It also lays down the scope and enforcement powers of government authorities. This law also provides for access to information pertaining to government agencies.
Admin law, while less open to review compared to criminal and civil law, provides for a procedure of review. Administrative authorities primarily review decisions on public rights taken by disciplinary bodies and non profit institutions, among others.
Another function of administrative law is to deal with government institutions engaged in administration, which include tribunals, commissions and boards. These government entities are authorized to take decisions in various fields, such as taxation, trade, broadcasting, labor and environmental issues.
Administrative Law: General Powers of Government Authorities
Administrative law governs the actions of administrative bodies engaged in rule making, rule enforcement and adjudication. The regulatory administrative laws are applicable mainly on public officials and agencies.
Government authorities empowered under the admin law are entitled to powers, such as issuing permits, licenses, undertaking investigation and providing relief against grievances. These authorities are also empowered to monitor the actions of the government and issue orders for adherence to rules.
In several countries, there are specialized administrative courts as well. These have been established to review the decisions of government bodies. Administrative law judges are public officials who are empowered with quasi-judicial powers. They are authorized to undertake hearings, issue orders of compliance and findings of fact.
The administrative approach is slightly different from process of judicial review. Under judicial review, the Court evaluates the procedures followed by the administrative agencies to reach a final decision. Under the administrative approach, the determination of validity of the final decision is reviewed.
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