How to Apply the Law of Attraction
There is no one definitive authority for what the law of attraction is, no authoritative written definition. However, there is a general consensus about what the law is. The law says that by constant visualisation and coaching of our subconscious mind we will vibrate in harmony with that which we desire and thereby make the universe respond by delivering to us the thing that we wanted.
Decide what you want, visualise and affirm without negatives, really feel and believe the scenario of your having this desire, detach and believe that the universe will deliver - and lastly, you are not a passive passenger in this process - take positive action, if you want a vintage Ferrari and you see one parked in a garage down the street why not ask if it is for sale, wait and feel the moment to take your cue and act.
The law is said to be constantly working. Believing this will encourage you to take responsibility and start to own your life and to take action to improve it and bring about all your desires. This element of self-responsibility is fundamental in taking action - if we truly believe we are helpless and at the mercy of outside forces we really will not have any energy or motivation to commit towards any form of positive action.
Our subconscious mind does not recognise negatives so when visualising it is important just to focus on the things that you do want. If for example you affirm that I don't want any debt - your subconscious mind will only latch on to the word debt. So affirmations, visualizations and any other technique should focus only on the positive outcome. I have no debt should be I am wealthy.
The power of belief cannot be underestimated. Consider the placebo effect and countless other experiments that demonstrably display the power belief has over our bodies and psyche. For example the students who were divided into two groups; one spent a month undergoing rigorous exercise and the other were given exercises that imagined the same exercises the other group were performing in reality - tests showed only a few percentile difference in muscle mass growth! The power of belief is fundamental to the effectiveness of the law.
To apply the law of attraction:
- decided what you want, be specific
- affirm and visualise your desire
- support your affirmation with emotion
- be consistent with what you are asking for
- detach from your request and believe unquestioningly
- wait for the moment to take action
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